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Do you Chumby?

I don't have a Chumby, but as a lover of gadgets, it does look quite appealing. I love widgets, and but at home, I have to head to my computer, which my family is almost certain has been surgically attached, wake it it, all to check the weather, news, etc. Even my kids are glued to the weather widget. But, is there a better way? Meet Chumby. Chumby connects to your wireless internet and is basically just a widget viewer, alarm clock, digital photo frame, radio, etc. It even has a Wii-ish sensor so that you can play a little game on it. Priced at $180, it may be a little more than some what to spend, but if you have priced the digital photo frames latel, it isn't completely out of the ballpark. Check out this CNBC report on the Chumby:

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