Entries by Brenda Levos (193)


Back to School!

Today as I hurried my daughters off to school, I couldn't help to reflect on change and new beginnings. I am often asked to speak on change, how to cope and thrive in the midst of challenges or crisis, and this morning I gained a bit more of a perspective of another way to approach change.

There are times in our lives when change is beyond our control, unavoidable. How we respond to that change is what is critical, how we learn from that lesson set before us. If we take a look at each new school year, there may have been angst or excitement looking back at that first day, but in the end, we grew, we learned, we graduated on to the next level.

Faced with change, think back at how you prepared for a change in grade levels. You might have gone shopping for the right supplies, the right clothing, maybe did a bit of reading over the summer to prepare. Perhaps you took some extra classes, worked part-time, or even just soaked in the sun, relaxation and fun of summer in preparation for the busi-ness of the coming fall. Is change all that different? If you can anticipate it coming, how are you preparing? Preparation gives us some control when faced with something we can't.

Each year, new class schedules, lessons to learn. That initial anxiety of..."Am I in the right place?" and "Am I sure where I am going next?" soon fades as you settle into a new routine. You find your way, you always do.

What you find is, through it all, though change is inevitable, there are many things that remain constant. Your school, your friends, home, family, and who you are, all growing and learning together.

When faced with your next big change, think of it as graduating to the next grade level, make your preparations, sharpen your pencil and prepare to learn. After all, there is something refreshing about new beginnings, a fresh notebook, a perfectly sharp pencil and new sneakers!


The meaning behind the shirt...

As the floodwaters rise in the Bismarck Mandan area as well as those areas to the north in Devils Lake, and in Minot, ND. As the Fargo Moorhead area still deals with cleanup, damage and remaining floodwaters, I am called to take pause and reflect on the United We Sand campaign and what that means to me.

Inspired my those people and the experiences in a sandbag line in the flood of 2009, I searched for inspiration to visually represent the sense of spirit, the sense of comradery, the commitment to community that I experienced in that time. Unable to fully describe that sense of awe that I was experiencing and so proud to be a part of, I turned to what I saw around me for inspiration.

You see, if you have ever worked in a sandbag line, after a bit of time, you will notice that each individual will develop what I refer to is the "Sandbag Smudge." This smudge is a large area of sand residue which accumulates on the chest of each individual in the sandbag line.

During the flood of 2009, I frequently would run into people out and about, at the gas station and at the grocery store, at schools, and in restaurants who would be sporting the "Smudge." I noticed an interesting phenomena; when you saw one of those people you instantly knew something about them. That smudge alone told you something about their integrity, it was an indication that they were someone deserving of your respect, and your gratitude.

I noticed that people became friendlier, strangers striking up conversations about where they were working, who needed help, and where battles were being won and lost. I noticed community where indifference may had been before, I noticed engagement and I noticed humanity and compassion in epic proportions.

That's a lot to try to capture in one little graphic. By trade I am a designer, and artist, and creating a visual to represent an intangible feeling or service is one of he most difficult tasks. But then I remembered the smudge. That smudge was more than just dirt, it was in fact a badge of honor. 

So it was that visual that I chose to represent what I was feeling and experiencing, hoping that it would mean something to others as well. Once the visual was determined and created from a bit of fajita spice and cinnamon I found in my cupboard (every sandbag had better things to do) I set out to create the slogan which would work in concert further expressing the intent, should someone not understand the smudge reference.

I thought a bit about the words, I am a visual person, words aren't always my forte. The spirit I felt in those days was very patriotic, very American. So I ran through phrases and clichés that might work. I decide to place the words "United We Stand" across the smudge. I felt that it best captured the spirit, for on a sandbag line, it is not one person who makes a difference, but a number of people working together for a common cause.

If a homeowner chooses only to protect the length of his own property bordering a river, the dike is sure to fail unless each neighbor chooses to do the same. It is an all or nothing endeavor. Sure, each homeowner could build a dike around just their home, but that isn't what a community does. A community comes together for the greater good. A community stands united.

So I go about typing the slogan across the replicated sand smudge. When I got to the end of the line I sat back to take a look. What I noticed was a typo. What I had typed was "United We Sand" and as my hand goes to hit the delete key to fix this error, I discover that what was there summed it up much better. Yes, it was a typo, divine intervention perhaps, that led to what you see today.

And then I shared it on Facebook, and people embraced it, people came forth and offered to help me share that, individual after individual stepped up to support it, to spread that message. I am still in awe over how it grew. All because of "one person." One person created some art + one person agreed to print it+one person agreed to carry it in their store+one person agreed to purchase a shirt + one person chose to share the information + one person chose to match the money raised. One person....

You see, that is the theme that has consistently run through this whole experience. One person, united with another one person can, literally, move mountains (or beaches in this case). So when you feel small and helpless, don't, think of this quote by Edward Everett Hale:

I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

I believe that is so fitting to represent what I saw; children helping to fill sandbags, people baking cookies, delivering sandbaggers to where they needed to be, teenagers actively taking charge and giving direction, getting the word out of where help was needed.

For me, in retrospect, the smudge and the shirt mean so much more. In a world that spins so quickly that it can be hard to keep your wits about you, your feet grounded, and focused on doing good in the world. It is more than just a shirt. That smudge, and those words represent a badge of honor for someone who;

  • is the kind of human being who gives of themselves to help another without asking for anything in return only because it is the right thing to do.
  • isn't willing to sit back and wait to be rescued, but one who takes action, and gets things accomplished.
  • sees the bigger picture that together we can accomplish more than we can individually.
  • that acknowledges that we truly have something worth fighting for, and saving
  • know that what is legal isn't always what is right.
  • that believes in the goodness of people.
  • stays when they are told to give up and leave.
  • that puts people and principles before profits.
  • when the muscles in their arms fail them, are willing to commit their heart, chest and entire body to the endeavor of getting things done.
  • understand that while fences might make for good neighbors, good neighbors make sandbag dikes.
  • witness the moral erosion of our society in the media every day, and instead of throwing up their hands in defeat, expect better of people, choose to be better people, standing up for what is right and good in our world.
  • wins.

So, I thank you for being who you are, for so generously embracing my artwork, and my typo, for treating me with respect and for wearing this badge of honor with pride. United We Sand.


United We Sand Part 2: Bismarck Mandan

United We Sand Bismarck MandanHere we are again, two years after the initial United We Sand campaign and I received a phone call from a friend of mine indicating that an aquaintance of hers was in Bismarck (which if suffering from extreme flooding) was spearheading an effort to raise funds to support the flood fighting effort. They were looking for some sort of graphical image to represent what they were doing. Her solution was to connect them with me and utilize the United We Sand artwork that we had developed for the Fargo Moorhead event. I agreed!

I dusted of the old Photoshop file, tweaked the design to reflect the current year and the Bismarck Mandan location and sent it off to URL Radio to do its job. Within the first hour there were a couple of dozen preorder shirts and over $4,000 in sponsorships!

I did a speaking event in Jamestown recently and due to the flooding the national guard was unable to present their keynote. I was honored to be asked to step in an fill that position! What did I speak on....United We Sand of course! What a great reminder of the spirit and intentions of one person + one person + one person. Never underestimate your impact.

In it for the right reasons, the shirts, once again took off. While there are other campaigns out there, this is the only design I have created or endorsed. Thank you to URL Radio and the following sponsors for joining the effort!

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