So Moved?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 09:44AM
Brenda Levos in motivation

As I was out for my morning run, shocker I know but I am trying, the sun was rising as I tread up a black dirt road near my home. Pounded flat from the tires years of local farmers and travellers, including myself, shaving a couple of minutes off of their commute. My feet alone have walked that path for as long as I can remember. I have walked this road through all emotional states, in the heights of excitement of a new marriage, pregnancy, careers. Walking it as well in the depths of depression, sadness of lost loved ones whom I had held so dear, and today in the gratitude that my feet had carried me up to the one-mile line, and with the prayer that they would hold out for a few more strides.

Six or so weeks ago, I started the couch-to-5k program, I must say that it has been the most productive investment in my health I have made thus far. Sure, in six weeks I am only on week 4, but in my roughly 30 minute workout, but I ran for 16 minutes and that is more than I have in as long as I can remember. As the audio instructed me that I had finished the running portion of the workout, with a deep breath and much celebration I returned to the "brisk walking pace." Brisk being the operative word, and in this case somewhat of a delusion.

It was at that point, as I was walking that I really began looking at the road, the fields on either side of me. To my left, was the field of corn basking in the first light as the sun rose gently above the textured weaving of their leaves into one. On my right, held a field of wheat, which to my surprise that while still green had already formed heads, a sure sign that harvest is soon approaching.

Living in the moment and the injection of levity into your life are two themes I have come to over and over in the past months. As I gazed upon the wheat field, the vision, likely from a warm and fuzzy cereal commercial, pops into my head of a woman in a long flowing dress strolling through a wheat field. Her hand ever so gently grazing the very tips of the wheat in the field and they bow softly beneath her as she passes. And I think to myself, I don't believe I have ever been that woman in the field, but for today, I am going to go for it anyway.  Granted, I was sweaty, winded and wearing my Nike's and workout clothes, but hey, seize the moment. So I stepped into the field, closed my eyes for a moment, and ventured forward. As I moved the tips of the wheat grazed my fingertips and I felt their softness and the slight prickly caress. Soaking in every aspect of that moment. Then, of course, it was wet and kind of scratchy on the legs and still slightly damp from the morning dew. Here ends the dream sequence. But, it was a reminder to me that sometimes we need to just jump into the field, make that experience happen and truly be in that moment for a while.

Now I could have waited for perfection, the long flowing hair, the dress, the wheat golden and ready for harvest, but this was the moment. What if that day never comes? I recently have been listening to Mike Dooley's "Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic" in which he talks about something that I felt addresses this point. The vision he paints is that of the mother duck. Now, she doesn't wait for all of her ducks to line up in a row. And we use that phrase frequently, "getting my ducks in a row," but in nature (what a perfect model) the mother duck doesn't sit and lecture her ducks, lining them up. That would never happen. She does, however, venture forward and her ducks fall perfectly into line. I see this as very symbolic in life as well. What are you waiting for? Getting your ducks lined up for? Venture forth, seize the moment, and trust that your ducks will fall into line.

Article originally appeared on Morsels of goodness for the digital junkie by Brenda Levos (
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